BASIS got the books figured out for you!
To be able to order the books with the below discounted prices, please become a BASIS member. After you register as a member, you can access our partner´s webshop through the Account Area on this website.
In collaboration with our partner StudyStore, we aim to provide all different books required for all the different regions. In practice, however, some books are unfortunately not available in the Netherlands. Please consult the course instructor if the book(s) you are looking for is not provided in the booklist for second years.
Questions? View our Frequently Asked Questions page (look for ¨Books¨).
Thematic Seminar: Research Methods
Title: Social research methods: qualitativean d quantitative approaches
Author: Neuman, W. Lawrence
Discounted price for BASIS members: €55,77
Cultural Interaction: A Global Perspective
No book required. The course material will be made available via the Blackboard page.
Politics – area course
Politics: Africa
Title: Inside African politics
Author: Englebert, Pierre
Discounted price for BASIS members: €20,35
Title: Africa
Author: Chabal, Patrick
Discounted price for BASIS members: €29,28
Politics: East Asia
No book required. Readings for this course will be made available via the Blackboard page.
Politics: Europe
The reading list for this course is still to be announced.
Politics: Latin America
Title: Latin American Politics and Development
Author: Wiarda, H.J.
Discounted price for BASIS members: currently sold out
Politics: Middle East
Title: International Relations of the Middle East
Author: Fawcett, Louise
Discounted price for BASIS members: €30,00
Politics: North America
No books required. The course material will be made available via Blackboard.
Politics: Russia and Eurasia
No book required. Selected articles and book chapters are provided by the lecturer via Blackboard.
Politics: South and South-East Asia
Title: Routledge Handbook South East Asian Politics
Author: Brass, Paul R.
Discounted price for BASIS members: €43,93
Economy – area course
Economy: Africa
Title: Global shadows africa in the neoliberal world order
Author: Ferguson, J.
Discounted price for BASIS members: €21,42
Economy: East Asia
Please inform with the course instructor which books you are expected to purchase.
Title: Regionalism and Globalization in East Asia: Politics, Security and Economic Development
Author: Beeson, Mark
Discounted price for BASIS members: €35,36
Economy: Europe
Title: An Economic History of Twentieth-Century Europe: Economic Regimes from Laissez-Faire to Globalization
Author: Berend, Ivan T
Discounted price for BASIS members: €33,21
Economy: Latin America
Title:The Economic Development of Latin America Since Independence
Author: Bertola, Luis
Discounted price for BASIS members: €39,64
Economy: Middle East
Title: A Political Economy Of The Middle East
Author: Cammett, Melani
Discounted price for BASIS members: €46,07
Title: Lineages Of Revolt
Author: Hanieh, Adam
Discounted price for BASIS members: €19,27
Economy: North America
Title: American Economic History
Author: Hughes, Jonathan,
Discounted price for BASIS members: €195,76
Economy: Russia and Eurasia
The course material will be made available either at the LU library reserve or as e-books on the course’s Dropbox.
Economy: South and South-East Asia
No book required. Readings will be made available on the course’s BlackBoard page.
Language courses
Arabic 2 – Pre-Intermediate
Title: Al-Kitaab fii Tacallum al-cArabiyya+ Website Passcode
Author: Brustad, Kristen
Discounted price for BASIS members: €96,45
Dutch 2 – Pre-Intermediate
Title: Nederlands in actie methode nt2 voor hoogopgeleide anderstaligen
Author: Boer, B.
Discounted price for BASIS members: €38,25
Title: Trefwoord 1
Author: Boer, B. Delijmbach, B. Loeffen, W.
Discounted price for BASIS members: €29,48
French 2 – Pre-Intermediate
Title: Version originale 2 livre d’eleve inc. cd + dvd
Author: Denyer, R.
Discounted price for BASIS members: €29,70
Title: Version originale 2 cahier d’exercices (+ audio-cd)
Author: Denyer
Discounted price for BASIS members: €14,13
Title: Grammaire progressive du Francais niveau intermediaire
Author: Gregoire, Maia Thievenaz, Odile
Discounted price for BASIS members: €24,53
Title: Grammaire progressive du français- niveau intermédiaire Corrigés
Author: Thiévenaz
Discounted price for BASIS members: €11,48
French 2 – Upper-Intermediate
Title: Vocabulaire progressif du français 2e edition niveau avance en Audio-CD
Discounted price for BASIS members: €22,73
Title: Littérature progressive du français 2e édition niveau intermédiaire corrigés
Discounted price for BASIS members: €11,93
Title: Grammaire progressive du Francais niveau intermediaire
Author: Gregoire, Maia Thievenaz, Odile
Discounted price for BASIS members: €24,53
Title: Grammaire progressive du français- niveau intermédiaire Corrigés
Author: Thiévenaz
Discounted price for BASIS members: €11,48
German 2 – Pre-Intermediate
Title: A – grammatik sprachniveau a1 – a2
Author: Buscha, A. Szita, S.
Discounted price for BASIS members: €22,78
Title: B-grammatik
Author: Buscha, A.
Discounted price for BASIS members: €22,78
German 2 – Upper-Intermediate
Title: Begegnungen B1 kurs-/arbeitsbuch
Author: Buscha, Anne
Discounted price for BASIS members: €28,05
Title: Erkundungen deutsch als fremdsprache B2 kurs- und arbeitsbuch
Author: Buscha, A.
Discounted price for BASIS members: €23,41
Hindi 2 – Pre-Intermediate
Title: Get Started in Hindi Absolute Beginner Course: (Book and audio support)
Author: Snell, Rupert, Dr.
Discounted price for BASIS members: €32,14
Indonesian 2 – Pre-Intermediate
Our book partner can unfortunately not provide you with the reading material for this course. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Japanese 2 – Pre-Intermediate
Title: Genki 1 textbook: an integrated course in elementary japanese
Author: Banno, e.
Discounted price for BASIS members: €65,01
Title: Genki 2 textbook
Author: Banno, E.
Discounted price for BASIS members: €65,01
Title: Genki 1 workbook: an integrated course in elementary japanese
Author: Banno, e.
Discounted price for BASIS members: €29,29
Title: Genki 2 workbook
Author: Banno, E.
Discounted price for BASIS members: €45,82
Korean 2 – Pre-Intermediate
Title: Sogang Korean
Discounted price for BASIS members: €41,29
Title: New Sogang Korean 1B
Discounted price for BASIS members: €21,21
Title: New Sogang Korean 2A
Discounted price for BASIS members: €50,05
Title: New Sogang Korean 2A
Discounted price for BASIS members: €21,21
Mandarin 2 – Pre-Intermediate
The material for this course is still to be announced.
Modern Hebrew 2 – Pre-Intermediate
Title: Modern Hebrew: An Essential Grammar
Author: Glinert, Lewis
Discounted price for BASIS members: €45,00
Persian 2 – Pre-Intermediate
The course book for this course will be available online.
Portuguese 2 – Pre-Intermediate
Please choose the version appropriate to your region. For more info, please view the eProspectus.
Title: Gramática Ativa – Versao Brasileira
Author: Coimbra
Discounted price for BASIS members: €22,78
Title: Gramatica activa book 1
Author: Coimbra, I.
Discounted price for BASIS members: €16,81
Russian 2 – Pre-Intermediate
Title: Ruslan russian 2 (+ cd-rom) Author: LANGRAN
Discounted price for BASIS members: €25,66
Title: Ruslan russian workbook 2 Author: LANGRAN
Discounted price for BASIS members: €14,95
Spanish 2 – Pre-Intermediate
Title: Aula Internacional 2 Nueva edicion A2 libro del alumno
Author: Corpas, Jaime
Discounted price for BASIS members: €25,56
Title: cuaderno de gramatica espanola a1-b1 + cd
Discounted price for BASIS members: €23,22
Spanish 2 – Upper-Intermediate
Title: Vitamina C1 Libro del alumno + audio descargable
Author: Sarralde, Berta
Discounted price for BASIS members: €31,50
Title: Vitamina C1 Cuaderno de ejercicios Author: Sarralde, Berta
Discounted price for BASIS members: €14,85
Swahili 2 – Pre-Intermediate
No book required. The course material will be distributed in class.
The information on this page has been derived from the university´s eProspectus, which you can access through the following link: