A word about us
Bachelor Students of International Studies (BASIS) is the study association for BA International Studies. A study association according to the Dutch definition is an association that unites students from all years of the same studies and that is run entirely by the students themselves on a voluntary basis. BASIS was set up over the summer of 2012 by a group of prospective BA International Studies students, and has been steadily developing over the years.
The main goals of BASIS are to increase academic knowledge pertaining to the course, and to increase the social cohesion between the members of the association. To accomplish this, BASIS will offer a variety of activities, both social and academic, ranging from discounts on the books needed for the course to informal get-togethers and parties. As a member of our association, you will get the chance to influence what the association will offer to its students each year.
To learn more about the legislation and guidelines of our association, find our statutes and policy manual to the right.