WijnMUN committee has rescheduled the first session of this academic year! Do you love history and would like to apply it during a UN session? Then this is a great opportunity to do just that! We are taking you back to the 1961 Security Council meeting dealing with the Bay of Pigs Invasion opposing the Cuban Revolution. Yadira Ledesma Hernández, Counsellor of Embassy of Cuba, will contribute with a 10 min video in order for you to better understand the relevance of the topic. We are looking forward to meeting you! Use the following link https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSerk1Zzrj6OPp01lTVwhepM0KqSQ09IorF-reIqVpu55YAyjQ/viewform?fbclid=IwAR0oBrLMZ9kdIWfGTYtPXxxUDTtL2c5M7VtPC6_0DzKx_oB3dKSYKxijkec
to sign up and we will send you the study guide, rules of procedure and the name of the country you will represent!